
The Joys of Successful Recovery

Successful Recovery

It’s so important to emphasize the successful joys that addicted people achieve in managing addiction. The whole field of drug and alcohol treatment services is weighted down with the stigma attached to addiction. The problems associated with it, the damage caused by it and the huge waste of human potential that is never realised because of it.

The successes people enjoy are not recognised. It doesn’t make the headlines in the way addiction does. Success might be small and appear insignificant. However holding down a job, paying bills, being outside the school at ‘home’ time, cutting the grass, painting the bedroom, having the dinner ready, keeping the plants alive!

Recent Client Success

A client recently reported getting bad news about the future of his marriage.  He was crossing the road to go to the pub when his Alcohol Anonymous Sponsor rang enquiring after him. When he informed him of his intentions the sponsor simply suggested he keep walking and he would phone him back in 10 minutes. When he phoned back there had been enough time for the client to interrupt his impulsive thinking that ‘alcohol was the only solution for his marital setback’. He was thinking like a true addict and his sponsor was too.

Gabor Mate in his book In the Realm of the Hungry Ghosts . Suggests that when the addicted person is tempted to activate their addiction in response to life stressors it is crucial that they buy enough time to remind themselves that. “My brain does not work right when it comes to using addictive substances. So when it tells me that alcohol and drug use is the solution I have to remind my brain that it does not make good recommendations about alcohol or drug use when it is stressed”.

Addicted people in early recovery are using such interventions with themselves on a daily basis. When they are following Tabor Group aftercare plans they are keeping good contact with other addicted people. This fellowship ensures healthy thinking replaces the ‘stinking thinking’ of addiction and so Recovery wins the day and people are successful.

One Moment

Relapse is cruel! One moment of succumbing to impulsive thinking can return a person to the compulsive use of addictive substances. Hopes can be ruined and the spiral of low self-esteem, despair and desperation returns the person, and often those close to them, back to ‘rock bottom’.

Tabor Group takes heart from recent research conducted with 150 of its clients. 18 months following discharge from Tabor Lodge 28 day residential treatment programme. 67 clients were contacted and 53 of these reported significant and successful improvements in their quality of life.

These figures represent important success in the management of addiction. Those who are not doing well need not suffer alone. Help is available and there are reasonable grounds to be confident that the outcome of a treatment intervention with Tabor Group is worthwhile.

Get Help at Tabor Group

If you or a loved one are suffering from an addiction. And want to learn more about successfully managing you addiction. We can help you recover in a healthy, friendly environment and successfully beat your addiction.

Don’t hesitate to contact one of our counselors today for information at +353 (21) 488 7110 or email us at Email Us .We can help you.

Blog written by: Mick Devine, Clinical Director Tabor Group