Read testimonials from former users who completed our addiction programmes here at Tabor Group. If you would like to learn more and how we can help you, visit our Contact Page today.
“A new way of life is what was promised to me before I went to Tabor Group if I gave it an honest shot and a new way of life is what I have. I’m certain without them I wouldn’t be where I am today.
I’ve been in recovery now for over four years and they have been the best years of my life. I have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, a caring partner, a beautiful new baby girl, a job to go to each day which I enjoy doing and I have been promoted twice in the last six months to foreman and running the office. I have built trust with family and friends and work colleagues as well as my employer due to my recovery.”
Read Stuart’s Story here.
“With the help of Tabor Group’s meetings for families, I grew and learned from them. I began to change when it came to my brothers. I no longer felt the same guilt or sadness and accepted their path was their own. I could only support them when they were ready to support themselves.
To anyone in a similar situation, I would say: Don’t just think about it – go to Tabor Group’s Family Support Programme.”
Read Sarah’s Story here.
“Thanks to my weekly Tabor Group meetings and one-to-one counselling sessions, I feel like I’m finally getting my life back on track.
I feel content and I believe that I am making the right choices. I am in a good place right now and I intend on keeping it that way.”
Read Michelle’s Story here.